Tuesday 25 September 2007

Nick Drew demolishes The Goblin King

Nick Drew* tears The Goblin King's spin to shreds in a few short paragraphs here.

*Is Nick angling for one of those Tory spin doctor jobs? He certainly deserves one.


Anonymous said...

Irwin Stelzer in today's Telegraph reduces Brown's approach to a chilling skeleton.

Brown seems to be proposing a command economy, starting with him being appointed PM but not necessarily elected. He has found a way to dress it up in the rhetoric of individualism.

I can understand the lollygaggers of the Labour Party going for this, but portions of the conservative press might have been listening to a completely different speech to the one I heard, if their squeals of ecstacy are any guide.

All I can sense are the creepy tones of a control freak. How is he getting away with this?