Friday 26 October 2007

51st State

On Question Time, some shithead (probably George Galloway, might have been 'Lord' Falconer) trotted out the tired old line, "Do you want to be part of Europe or the 51st state of the USA?". The victim of this particularly pathetic and predictable gambit (probably François Maude) fumbled the pass.

The answer is quite simple...

"I do not want England to be the 51st State of the United State of America any more than I want it to be the 27th State of the United States of Europe or the 4th State of the United Kingdom. I want England* to be England."

* Obviously, the Welsh are welcome to tag along.


Vindico said...

Question Time was a farce. Maude ducked the question on immigration because he knew full well the Tory party is being disingenuous. I look forward to pointing it out at the election hustings (since i am now PPC for Horsham)!!! And as for the supid 51st state comment, God fucking help us.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Hmmm. So you've got a soft target but not an easy one.

Penny Pincher said...

I agree England for the English >>

But now I have myself a light box, to lift the dull winter's gloom, I'm rather turning to the consideration of emigrating to Scotland for free prescriptions, better medicines and free health care in Nursing Homes. etc etc. it was the thought of the long dark days of winter that used to put me off. But as I'm paying so much money to north of the border then I'm off to get some of its benefits >>

Mark Wadsworth said...

Good plan.

Until Vindico and I get into power, that is, and turn off the tap...

Scott Freeman said...

Actually I would rather be the 51st state than part of Europe. So there. Though just being England would be even better.

Anonymous said...

I recommend becoming the Transmaritime Province of Canada.

Mark Wadsworth said...

What? Get mixed up with Francophones again?

Penny Pincher said...

No wonder your post was kind to the Welsh - you're protecting your back while planning a weekend away in Wales. I see >>