Tuesday 16 October 2007

Kate McCann's tits (coda)

I seem to have cornered the market in Google searches and scurrilous gossip on Kate McCann's tits.

I am pleased to see that she has finally plucked up the courage to respond to this sort of cheap insubstantiated innuendo and rumour-mongering (Real or fake? Perky or just plain flat?). Her parents are putting the story out that Kate reckons "If I weighed another two stone, had a bigger bosom and looked more maternal, people would be more sympathetic". See The Liverpool Echo or The Metro.

No love, your tits are fine the way they are!

PS. There was a super profile shot in this afternoon's London Lite, but I can't find it on line. Pink blouse with white dots, in front of the Renault Megane Scenic.

PPS. Anonymous confirms here "They are not false believe me. I know someone who had the good fortune to see them in all their glory in her college days and he says they look about the same size as they were then." So that proves it then!

PPPS. This is what I call excellent news management - start insulting fat people.


JuliaM said...

"Kate is a very sensitive, caring person and one of the most maternal people I know – she puts me to shame. Her life revolves around her children ..."

Perhaps she shouldn't have left them alone in a strange apartment to go wining and dining with her friends, then....?