Tuesday 11 March 2008

Scottish income tax & council tax

As a free-market-liberal-climate-change-sceptic, I have to say I agree with the Scottish Green Party on this one.


Snafu said...

I disagree.

A local income tax would be a disaster. It's another opportunity to punish those who have worked hard and are paid accordingly whilst rewarding the work shy.

Do you pay more for a tin of beans than someone on benefits because you earn more!?!

Mark Wadsworth said...

Snafu, the Greens have long advocated replacing council tax with land value tax (and scrapping agricultural subsidies) with which I wholeheartedly concur. Local income tax would indeed be a disaster.

Anonymous said...

'Labour has also challenged the SNP to answer ten questions on the local income tax, including how many households with two earners will have to pay more.'.


Is this a trick question?