Monday 14 April 2008

All services are local services

Warming to my theme, it is incredible how the government tells big fat massive lies and even its opponents swallow them hook, line and sinker. As far as I can see, 99% of what the State does to benefit the individual citizen* is provided locally.

Sure, we might derive some indirect benefit from international treaties, the reputation of the British Army, all our consulates and embassies abroad, but what I really care about is what I get (or don't get) locally - policing, NHS treatment, education, refuse collection, public transport, street lighting, public libraries, repairing the roads etc.

These numb-nuts who whine about Council Tax having doubled, Jumping H F***, do they think they get that whole list for £1,200 Council Tax per household per year, total just over £20 billion? Where do they think that £530 billion other taxes - income tax, VAT, National Insurance, Corporation Tax and the rest - goes?

* The fact that the State provides awful value for money is a whole 'nother topic.


Anonymous said...

It's just the most obvious sign that tax has risen. It is a bill that comes through the door. The rest, percentages and fractions thereof taken behind the scenes, are too subtle for most to notice. In many ways, council tax, whilst a bit of a crap way of taxing people is, is also very honest in its approach: give us this much or we come knocking.

CityUnslicker said...

where has the rest of the money gone?

down the pan my friend. Time to print some more I think is the new strategy....