Wednesday 26 October 2011

Happy Birthday M25!

The Soaraway Sun lists twenty-five facts to celebrate the M25's twenty-fifth birthday this week. I doubt whether they are all true, but that just adds to the fun.


Dr Evil said...

Truly the road to and from Hell. Actually, I've been to Hell (Norway) and back, but sadly no photo under the very large town name sign!

Sobers said...

The motorway scenes from the cult film Withnail and I were filmed on as yet unopened sections of the M25. If you look hard you can see some of the modern signs in the background.

Mark Wadsworth said...

C, I quite like the M25, but then again, I like most motorways.

S, that's yet another fascinating fact to add to the list!

QP said...

Disappointingly no animal stories listed, I'm sure there must be lots.

Mark Wadsworth said...

QP, from a recent Daily Mail:

"Most accidents are collisions between deer and cars, mainly around the M25 and the roads of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Berkshire and Warwickshire, where muntjac numbers are highest."