Tuesday 24 July 2012

Fun Online Polls: Leaving the EU & Olympic torch relay

The results to last week's Fun Online Poll were as follows:

How long would it take relations to re-normalise if the UK left the EU?

Weeks - 39%
Months - 37%

Years - 14%
Decades - 5%
Never - 4%

I voted months. I've no idea if we are right with our guess of weeks/months, but leaving the EU appears to hold no horrors for the vast majority of those who took part (on a very good turnout of 142 votes, thanks to all).
Apparently there's some big sporting event kicking off at the end of this week near where I live, I think it's to celebrate these people who spent the last couple of months carrying an upside down giant cheese grater with a flame coming out of it.

So well done all those people, I never got an invitation to carry out (it would have been fun to use it to light a cigarette) and I'm still waiting for my invitation to appear at the Leveson media ethics thingy (whether as perp or vic, I ain't bothered).

I'm not sure whether to feel a bit left out or to rise above this artificial media nonsense on the basis "If they'd asked me, I'd have turned them down anyway". How about you?

Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.


DBC Reed said...

I am not sure your are looking at the Economic History of Europe.The defining moment came when Mitterand tried "Keynesianism in one country" and chucked cheap money at reflating France only for the markets to turn on him and the Franc exchange rate to go seriously adverse.The Eurozone was ,as I remember it from the 1980's,an attempt at international Keynesiasm whereby everybody turned on the demand stimulus together and nobody attacked each others' currencies. Since Osborne is petrified by fear that people will attack the pound on the markets if he tries demand stimulus,the current relevance of the theory behind the Eurozone is still relevant.The Eurozone could work with the cheap interest rates backed by LVT to stop cheap money going into housing bubbles.(Reedonomics 101)